What's New
Offers and Discounts on using online services may be provided time to time.
Offers & discounts are subjected to administrative decision and cannot be challenged.
What's New
For ease of booking traveler, wallet facility is provided to our travelers. Now you can top up your wallet once and use it whenever you are booking a ticket on portal/mobile app.
What's New
Track Bus
Track my bus feature enables our on-the-go customers and their families to keep track of the bus location. You can track your bus on a map and use the information to plan your commute to the boarding point and to get off at the right stop.
Family members and friends can also check the bus location to coordinate pick-ups and rest assured about your safety.
What's New
Now e-ticket, which is digital ticket, will be valid to travel in our buses. Permission to travel will be subjected to verification of identity of the travelers by UTC staff.